Friday 28 October 2022

Week 9 | 24 - 28 October | Creating Vase

This week was not started on Monday because there was a holiday. On Tuesday, there was another activity that had caused me to be unable to deliver my lesson. On Thursday, pupils were involved in making vases activity. Since my classes are only on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, I wasn't able to teach this week. My lessons were postponed to the next week.

5 UIAM creating vases

5 USM creating vases



  • Pupils were able to apply their lesson in daily talking. For example - there was, there were, there wasn't and there weren't. I asked pupils when they were creating vases, and they managed to answer correctly.


  • One problem I discovered this week was all of my classes had to be postponed due to school activities. 


  • To my observation, pupils will apply what they have learned in their daily conversation. They just need to be drilled.


  • When too many classes were postponed, it could disturb the teaching process.

Friday 21 October 2022

Week 8 | 17 - 21 October | Psychometric Test & SEGAK Day

Just like every Monday, this week was started with formal morning assembly. Later on in the assembly, pupils were told by teacher in charge that they are going to take psychometric test, and each class takes turns.

pupils taking the psychometric test

On Wednesday, year 5 pupils had Ujian SEGAK. Starting from warming up together, each class then took turn to go to every station. Along with a senior teacher, Mrs. Hanne, I was assign to handle station 4 - ringkuk tubi separa.


  • The lessons I taught this week were my strong points because I had studied them in college and could easily teach them. Prepositions are also straightforward for children to understand.
  • Consistently, no weakness was detected this week.
  • I discovered a new way to efficiently teach kids something new, which is to play quizizz instead of doing worksheets all the time. Pupils were more enthusiastic to answer questions given.
  • As a teacher, class management is essential to me since it enables me to keep tabs on the pupils as they are studying a subject. It is possible to have them listen to you at some point, thus class management is crucial in this situation.

Monday 17 October 2022

Week 7 | 10 - 14 & 15 October | School and Hari Sukan Negara

Monday started with formal morning assembly. After singing national anthem, state song and school song. The assembly was proceeded with archery to launch the month of Panitia and Seni Visual.

the archery

Other than that, classes were conducted normally and pupils were behaving really well.

after class, time to go home!

Since my mentor was busy with aerobic program, I also had to go to the hall in order to control a lot of pupils there.

a clip of pupils doing their aerobic steps in groups

On Saturday, SK Taman Melawati 2 held Hari Sukan Negara for pupils' co-curriculum meeting. I was assigned to conduct year 4's badminton club along with other senior teachers.

SWOT analysis for week 7

  • This week, I was able to maintain control of the student's conduct in class. My lesson plan is well-managed, and I was able to complete my whole lesson this week.

  • Not a lot of weaknesses could be detected this week. Only few pupils were losing focus while I was teaching.

  • During my teaching class, it could be seen that pupils enjoyed my lesson. This is because I made them answer my questions, but I also answered their questions. I kept the 2-way learning going.
  • My lesson could be interrupted if I entertain all of pupils' questions. Therefore, I need to make sure that I only answer questions that are related to the lesson. Other questions can be answered if there are time.

Saturday 8 October 2022

Week 6 | 3 - 7 October | Groupwork

This week, nothing special much had happened. Pupils did their presentation on Monday. In the next two class, I focused on doing workbook with them because my mentor told me so. It is because we had finished unit 5.

pupils doing presentation

pupils doing last touch up to their presentation paper


  • I was able to maintain control over them by being more severe in terms of educating and exercising. Everything went just as planned. Class management has improved compared to the previous week.

  • I couldn't discover any weakness this week. Pupils were comfortable with me but still respect me as their teacher. 

  • So far, my observations indicate that they have changed significantly in terms of fundamental English understanding. I hope they are more eager to study in the long term for their own benefit.

  • Until now, the only thing interfering with their learning were their own friends. If pupils played in class, their learning progress might be interrupted.