Monday 17 October 2022

Week 7 | 10 - 14 & 15 October | School and Hari Sukan Negara

Monday started with formal morning assembly. After singing national anthem, state song and school song. The assembly was proceeded with archery to launch the month of Panitia and Seni Visual.

the archery

Other than that, classes were conducted normally and pupils were behaving really well.

after class, time to go home!

Since my mentor was busy with aerobic program, I also had to go to the hall in order to control a lot of pupils there.

a clip of pupils doing their aerobic steps in groups

On Saturday, SK Taman Melawati 2 held Hari Sukan Negara for pupils' co-curriculum meeting. I was assigned to conduct year 4's badminton club along with other senior teachers.

SWOT analysis for week 7

  • This week, I was able to maintain control of the student's conduct in class. My lesson plan is well-managed, and I was able to complete my whole lesson this week.

  • Not a lot of weaknesses could be detected this week. Only few pupils were losing focus while I was teaching.

  • During my teaching class, it could be seen that pupils enjoyed my lesson. This is because I made them answer my questions, but I also answered their questions. I kept the 2-way learning going.
  • My lesson could be interrupted if I entertain all of pupils' questions. Therefore, I need to make sure that I only answer questions that are related to the lesson. Other questions can be answered if there are time.

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